Week 3 : Adding Promises to setTimeout and also setting up unit tests using karma and jasmine
For this week, i added setTimeout to the palette.js and the blocks.js . As stated earlier the purpose of adding setTimeout is to prevent race condition. I pushed the code on palette.js but not on blocks.js cause i wanted to be done setting up the unit tests
Choosing a particular framework to use for the unit tests was a bit tricky but i found jasmine and karma as helpful tools and also learnt how to integrate with a Continuous Integration tool (Travis CI).Learning Travis CI, karma and jasmine was a bit challenging but i had to start with learning it with a small project
The main purpose of unit testing is to be sure the project works and they are no performance degradations when we make changes.
For this week : am trying to set up the unit test with the Music Block , then also learn on how to write tests with jasmine after which i test the particular change i have made