Week 7 : Gulp Task runner and the use of Dependabot
This week i added gulp which is a task runner and a build system for automating tasks. The following is few listing which can be achieved with the help of gulpjs
- Minification (Compress/Uglyfy): it helos minify js, css, image files for faster loading of websites and web applications
- Watch files: for any changes and then perform some kind actions on it for eg. changing the styles.css or block.js files which are used for development purpose and later pushing it for production then the need to minify it manually, instead of minifying it gulp does it.
- Compile Scss files
- Combining multiple js/css files into single file respectively
this result was gotten after gulp was added
Dependabot is an automation service that will automatically create PRs to keep your projects’ dependencies up to date, and it is really wonderful.In just a few minutes, you can install and configure it to automatically keep an eye on your project dependencies, and set a daily or weekly schedule to submit updates and changes and we made use of it when we had a security issue which required updating the packages. Dependabot makes it easier to update packages without running it locally